Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our Future: Desperate Poverty?

Amazon is alive with books about life on Planet Earth in the future. For a sampling, go to:

My view of attempts to predict what’s to happen to life and capitalism in this 21st century is that such efforts are nothing more than guesses, since no one can know the future.

In my $2.99 eBook, My America: 1931-2031: an Editor’s Take on America’s Most Astonishing 100 Years, my position is that our politicians and think tanks had better start figuring out now what needs to be done to prevent a horrifying future.
I mean a future in which, over time, automation predictably replaces the need for even the cheapest human labor, thus impoverishing the jobless 99% who will predictably and increasingly resent owners and investors— the 1% who are squirreling away vast wealth while visibly enjoying lives much like those of the French and Russian royal families of the 18th and early 19th centuries. See:

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